Pumpkin Tea
This project was created using Pixar’s RenderMan and customized .rib files.
The external .rib files (listed below) are normally generated automatically by applications such as Houdini and Maya. However, writing .rib files with a text editor focuses attention on the way that elements such as geometry, shading, lighting and, coordinate systems are presented to Pixar's RIB rendering system, and provides the user with more control.
Main RIB
Option "ribparse" "string varsubst" ["$"] IfBegin "!defined(RMSTREE)" Option "user" "string RMSTREE" ["/opt/pixar/RenderManForMaya-21.6-maya2018"] IfEnd Option "searchpath" "shader" ["../../maya/projects/RfM_osl:@"] Option "searchpath" "rixplugin" ["${RMSTREE}/lib/shaders:../../maya/projects/RfM_ris:@"] Option "searchpath" "texture" ["../textures:@"] Option "searchpath" "archive" ["../archives:Cutter_Help/templates/Rib:custom_templates/Rib"] #Option "statistics" "endofframe" [1] Hider "raytrace" "int incremental" [1] "int minsamples" [0] "int maxsamples" [128] "float darkfalloff" [0.025] Integrator "PxrPathTracer" "PxrPathTracer" "int maxPathLength" [10] "int allowCaustics" [0] PixelVariance 0.05 #=============================================================== Format 640 360 1 Display "untitled" "it" "rgba" Projection "perspective" "fov" [20] Translate 1.5 -1 11 Rotate -17 1 0 0 Rotate 1497 0 1 0 Scale 1 1 -1 #DisplayFilter "PxrBackgroundDisplayFilter" "background" "color backgroundColor" [1 1 1] #=============================================================== WorldBegin Bxdf "PxrSurface" "default" "color diffuseColor" [0.6 0.6 0.6] "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] TransformBegin Scale 4 4 4 ReadArchive "cutrAxes.rib" TransformEnd #================================================ AttributeBegin Rotate 25 0 1 0 # orbital Rotate -46 1 0 0 # elevation Translate 0 0 9 # distance Scale 2 2 -1 Attribute "visibility" "int indirect" [0] "int transmission" [0] Attribute "visibility" "int camera" [0] Light "PxrRectLight" "PxrRectLightShape1" "float exposure" [4.5] "color lightColor" [1 0.986 0.937] "float coneAngle" [90] "int enableShadows" [1] "color shadowColor" [0 0 0] AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Rotate -45 0 1 0 # orbital Rotate 135.202 1 0 0 # elevation Translate 0 0 9 # distance Scale 2 2 -1 Attribute "visibility" "int indirect" [0] "int transmission" [0] Attribute "visibility" "int camera" [0] Light "PxrRectLight" "PxrRectLightShape2" "float exposure" [1.5] "color lightColor" [0.922 0.993 1] "float coneAngle" [90] "int enableShadows" [0] "color shadowColor" [0 0 0] AttributeEnd #====================================== AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["teapot_body"] ReadArchive "materials/teapot_body_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/teapot_body.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["teapot_spout"] ReadArchive "materials/spout_color.rib" ReadArchive "materials/spout_displacement.rib" ReadArchive "geo/teapot_spout.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["teapot_stem"] ReadArchive "materials/stem_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/teapot_stem.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["teapot_leaf"] ReadArchive "materials/leaf_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/teapot_leaf.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["teapot_handle"] ReadArchive "materials/handle_color.rib" ReadArchive "materials/handle_displacement.rib" ReadArchive "geo/teapot_handle.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Translate -0.649 0 3.457 Rotate 0 205.812 0 Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["cup1"] ReadArchive "materials/cup_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/cup.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["cup_handle1"] ReadArchive "materials/handle_color.rib" ReadArchive "materials/handle_displacement.rib" ReadArchive "geo/cup_handle1.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Translate -3.16 0 2.097 Rotate 0 120.023 0 Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["cup2"] ReadArchive "materials/cup_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/cup.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["cup_handle2"] ReadArchive "materials/handle_color.rib" ReadArchive "materials/handle_displacement.rib" ReadArchive "geo/cup_handle2.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["table"] ReadArchive "materials/table_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/table.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["table_runner"] ReadArchive "materials/table_runner_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/table_runner.rib" AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "string name" ["background"] ReadArchive "materials/background_color.rib" ReadArchive "geo/background.rib" AttributeEnd WorldEnd
Teapot Body texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["body_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Cup Body Texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["cup_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Handle Texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["handle_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Handle Displacement RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D2:result" uses->|struct|manifold| Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["handle_displacement.tex"] "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" uses->|color|vector|normal|point| # Remapping the output to -0.5 to 0.5 ensures the displacement # remains "centered" around the original surface position. Pattern "PxrRemap" "PxrRemap1" "reference color inputRGB" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "float inputMin" [0.0] "float inputMax" [1.0] "float outputMin" [-0.5] "float outputMax" [ 0.5] "int clampOutput" [0] # "PxrRemap1:resultRGB" uses->|color|vector|normal|point| # Generally we use "mode" 3 or 4 Pattern "PxrToFloat" "PxrToFloat1" "reference color input" ["PxrRemap1:resultRGB"] "int mode" [4] # r, g, b, luminance or average # "PxrToFloat1:resultF" uses->|float| Attribute "trace" "int displacements" [1] Attribute "displacementbound" "string coordinatesystem" ["shader"] "float sphere" [0.2] Displace "PxrDisplace" "PxrDisplace1" "int enabled" [1] "float dispAmount" [0.1] "reference float dispScalar" ["PxrToFloat1:resultF"]
Spout Texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["spout_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Spout Displacement RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D2:result" uses->|struct|manifold| Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["spout_displacement.tex"] "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" uses->|color|vector|normal|point| # Remapping the output to -0.5 to 0.5 ensures the displacement # remains "centered" around the original surface position. Pattern "PxrRemap" "PxrRemap1" "reference color inputRGB" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "float inputMin" [0.0] "float inputMax" [1.0] "float outputMin" [-0.5] "float outputMax" [ 0.5] "int clampOutput" [0] # "PxrRemap1:resultRGB" uses->|color|vector|normal|point| # Generally we use "mode" 3 or 4 Pattern "PxrToFloat" "PxrToFloat1" "reference color input" ["PxrRemap1:resultRGB"] "int mode" [4] # r, g, b, luminance or average # "PxrToFloat1:resultF" uses->|float| Attribute "trace" "int displacements" [1] Attribute "displacementbound" "string coordinatesystem" ["shader"] "float sphere" [0.2] Displace "PxrDisplace" "PxrDisplace1" "int enabled" [1] "float dispAmount" [0.1] "reference float dispScalar" ["PxrToFloat1:resultF"]
Stem Texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["stem_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Leaf Texture RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["leaf_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] "color specularFaceColor" [0.2 0.2 0.2] "float specularRoughness" [0.0] "int specularDoubleSided" [0] "float presence" [1]
Table Runner Texture and Displacement RIB
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["table_runner_color.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1] Pattern "PxrMayaCloth" "PxrMayaCloth1" "color gapColor" [0. 0. 0.] "color uColor" [1. 1. 1.] "color vColor" [.5 .5 .5] "float uWidth" [.95] "float vWidth" [.95] "float uWave" [1] "float vWave" [1] "float randomness" [0.] "float widthSpread" [0.] "float brightSpread" [0.] "float invert" [0] "float alphaIsLuminance" [0] "color defaultColor" [.5 .5 .5] "color colorGain" [1. 1. 1.] "color colorOffset" [0. 0. 0.] "float alphaGain" [1] "float alphaOffset" [0] "float filter" [0] "float filterOffset" [0] # Examples manifold connection #"reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] #"reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold3D1:result"] # "PxrMayaCloth1:outColor" uses->|color|vector|normal|point|pattern| # "PxrMayaCloth1:outAlpha" uses->|float|pattern|
Table Texture RIB
Hello, World!
Pattern "PxrManifold2D" "PxrManifold2D1" "float angle" [0] "float scaleS" [1] "float scaleT" [1] "float offsetS" [0] "float offsetT" [0] "int invertT" [1] # "PxrManifold2D1:result" Pattern "PxrTexture" "PxrTexture1" "string filename" ["table.tex"] "int firstChannel" [0] "int atlasStyle" [0] "int invertT" [1] "int filter" [0] "color missingColor" [1. 0. 1.] "float missingAlpha" [1.0] "int linearize" [1] # Example manifold connection "reference struct manifold" ["PxrManifold2D1:result"] # "PxrTexture1:resultRGB" Bxdf "PxrSurface" "PxrSurface1" "float diffuseGain" [1.0] "reference color diffuseColor" ["PxrTexture1:resultRGB"] "int diffuseDoubleSided" [1]